Abram in Motion

An Animator in Transit...


Last Day at Daktronics

Well, the day finally came! 8/8/08. Known to many as the official opening day for the 2008 Olympics in Beijing.

I think it is pure irony that my last day is on 8/8/08, as the whole reason I'm leaving is directly related to the Olympics. What I mean by this is: China's policy regarding foreigners changed because of the Olympics, under a normal situation i wouldn't have had to leave china...and since i am already back in US, I was not asked to come back to China with Daktronics...so my only choice is to quit and do something different, as i don't want to live in South Dakota. The date 8/8/08 is just by chance, as this is when everything happened to come together for me to leave.

Today was busy with all things "quitting" related - exit interviews and such. It really seemed to end on a good note though. With future endeavors and hopeful prostrations in mind, it's full steam ahead!

I wont have access to a computer to update for a while. I'll be heading to Rapid City to visit my brother and do some outdoorsy activities. Then, my good friend Bob's wedding in Sioux Falls on the 17th.

I need a ride to Sioux Falls this weekend, as I have a bus to catch to Rapid City on Monday at noon. If I'm unable to find a ride by Sunday morning, I will ride my the 55 miles to Sioux Falls. I've been buying so much stuff for this trip...but I'm still missing two important items: panniers and a sleeping bag. I should be able to take care of these things in Sioux Falls and/or Rapid City though. Unfortunately, I wont have much time to test out my equipment. Two nights ago I replaced my chain, cleaned all the chain rings and gears and replaced my tiers with Kevlar puncture proof tires. This actually took all night to get everything put back together. I somehow even managed to puncture one of my tubes when I was putting everything back together! *doh* Well, after all said and done, my bike now rides much smoother!

I'd better get going! Cheers!